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About MUJI

What “Own it” means at MUJI & why it matters

Own It

At MUJI, we each take responsibility for our actions, we work hard and follow through on our commitments, in short, we own it!

We operate stores all across Europe and each Region is accountable for its own operations and financial delivery. For our Regions to thrive, our Regional Managers take the lead in making decisions that are right for their business while also ensuring alignment with the broader business.

Whether it’s in the Regions or at MEH, when we create the right ownership, everyone is clear about what is expected of them, their roles & responsibilities and which decisions are owned by who.

We believe that challenges are often resolved by those people closest to the problem and that decisions should be made at all levels of the business, not just the top. We encourage everyone to take ownership for creating a more efficient and effective way of working.

We ensure the right people are involved at the right time and provide quality input to help us achieve our business objective – we own it!
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© Muji Europe Ltd. 2024.